Frequently Asked Questions
- What is jxp
Jxp template engine processes jxp template which contains jsp-like code to produce text output
- What can I use jxp for?
You can use jxp for several things:
- as a template engine for dynamic text generation. For example, Swingweb project using as the template engine for component template
- as a script language to allow scripting inside your application. For example, you can write entire build system (like maven) using jxp script language as front-end.
- as a web-script language like jsp execpt that it's much simpler (no taglib support)
- Why should I use jxp?
You should use jxp if you think:
- learning another language like velocity, smarty, groovy ... for doing template in your java program doesn't make sense to you
- using xml as a scripting language (and then create the entire expression language that mimic java)
just doesn't make sense to you
- you really like java and want to do everything the java way :)
- What are the differences between jxp and jsp?
Jxp is intepreted (no compilation involved) while jsp is compile. Jsp is tied directly with servlet framework
while jxp can be used in anyway you like. There is no taglib support in jxp, since there is better way to implement
MVC (see Swingweb)
- Will jxp support full Java 1.5 syntax?
Since jxp 1.1.0, jxp supports some 1.5 features (enhanced for loop, static import and var args function definition),
which would work fine in jdk 1.4 and jdk 1.5.
Future release will support other language features of jdk 1.5 based on demand